Are you having a hard time processing a traumatic event?
Many people experience strong emotional reactions to terrifying events (e.g., natural disasters, military combat, sexual assaults, car accidents, childhood abuse). Traumatic events can range from one-time incidents to repetitive ones that occur across multiple years. In addition, one person can experience a variety of traumatic events that can have a compounding impact on their mental health and functioning. If you have lived through a traumatic event or childhood abuse, it is normal for you to experience various symptoms like strong emotional reactions, reliving the event, and physical symptoms. However, if these symptoms continue for long periods of time and start to impact your day-to-day functioning, you may need support.
If you find yourself grappling with prolonged distress, I am here to help you navigate the path toward healing and recovery.
“Storms make trees take deeper roots.”
- Intrusive or unwanted thoughts or memories of the event
- Dreams about the event
- Moments where it feels as though you are reliving the event
- Distress upon cues that remind you of the event
- Avoidance around the event (e.g., thoughts about it, people related to the event, locations related to the event)
- Negative thoughts about yourself, others, or the world
- Feelings of hopelessness or numbness
- Difficulty remembering key aspects of the event
- Feelings of isolation or estrangement from others
- Lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty sleeping
- Strong emotional reactions (e.g., angry outbursts, easily startled, hypervigilance)

Treatment typically starts with gathering your history and understanding the role that the traumatic event plays in your life. I explore your coping strategies and help expand those skills to make sure that you have a strong base to work from. Many people avoid things that remind them of the trauma because it is difficult and uncomfortable to think about. However, the more you avoid thinking or processing through an event, the scarier it becomes. Hence, we work on increasing exposure to things related to your trauma (e.g., thoughts, feelings, behaviors) so that it “loses its power.” In addition, we challenge any thought patterns that may not be helpful for you anymore.
With any treatment, I like to explore your values and what’s important to you. We would not do any treatment unless it feels as though it is moving you toward the person you want to be (e.g., if quality time with family is important to you, we would work on creating more work-life balance and engaging in activities you might want to do with your family). Also, I am a firm believer that emotions are a window into your values and needs. I will check in on your emotions every now and then to explore what your underlying needs may be and how we can meet those needs.